Loan Payment Calculator

Loan Repayment Calculator

Loan Repayment Calculator

5 years
Monthly Repayment: £0
Total Interest: £0
Total Repaid: £0

To see the breakdown of loan payments between interest and capital over the loan’s lifetime, use our loan amortisation calculator. This calculator is designed for loans with repayment periods of up to 10 years.

Interest payments are higher at the beginning of a loan, when the capital balance is highest. Seeing how repayments are allocated between capital and interest over the life of the loan is helpful, particularly for business planning.

Our loan amortisation calculator breaks down the annual payments into capital and interest components, showing how your payments are applied and illustrating the full cost of borrowing over time. The calculator generates a schedule showing how each payment reduces the loan balance until it’s paid off. This is especially useful for business financial planning, as interest can be a tax deductible expense.